What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

BCS none at anon.com
Sat Oct 3 12:44:11 PDT 2009

Hello Christopher,

> BCS wrote:
>> Hello Walter,
>>> Consider the Bible. It's long and complicated, and by careful
>>> examination of it you can find a verse here and there to justify
>>> *any* behavior.
>> This is true of any long document if you are willing to string
>> together enough quotes and ignore enough of it. I'd bet you could get
>> the Declaration of Intendance out of Playboy if you wanted to.
> What is this Declaration of Intendance you speak of?

OK so I use spell check as a crutch (and I was trying to pay attention to 
a lecture when I typed that).

> As for ignoring context...well, I'm willing to discuss this, but not
> here.

Note: I'm not claiming that some document is saying anything, but, that with 
enough cut and paste, any long enough document can be made to say anything 
you want and that sometimes this requiters that you ignore context. The implication 
is that a selected set of excerpts from some document can't be taken as proof 
that the document says or doesn't say anything.

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