Revamped concurrency API

Fawzi Mohamed fmohamed at
Mon Oct 12 23:55:43 PDT 2009

On 2009-10-13 07:45:41 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu 
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> said:

> MIURA Masahiro wrote:
>> Sean Kelly wrote:
>>> void sendmsg(T)( Pid pid, T val );
>>> final void recvmsg(T...)( Pid pid, T ops );
>>> Pid spawn(T)( T fun );
>>> spawn() is pretty limited so far in that it only spawns threads--I'd
>>> expect that function to end up with multiple overloads at some point.
>> Interesting.  Future spawn() may spawn the thread in a remote CPU that
>> doesn't share the memory.  In that case it perhaps helps to limit fun to
>> be pure, and val to be immutable, as in Erlang.  D already has pure and
>> transitive const, so the first few steps for the massively-parallel
>> D programs are already completed! :-)
> That's the plan, except that we weren't thinking of creating remote
> processes, only sending messages across process and machine boundaries.
> Here's where notions like value vs. reference and deep cloning become
> very important.
> Andrei

I think that there are different parallelization levels, and different 
strategies, there isn't ne that "rules them all".
I am very suspicious of systems where data is moved around "magically", 
normally the cost of that cannot be ignored, so for coarse level 
parallelization the message passing approach with explicit data 
distribution done by the programmer is the way to go.
On Numa, or really well connected machines having some kind of shared 
memory is an option, this works well especially if the data is 
Finally when one really has shared memory one can go to task scheduling 
without thinking too much about transfer of memory, it is this last 
thing that I did address in my previous post.

I think that threads are the wrong approach to parallelization at that 
level, so what I did was to create Tasks that one can use to express 
more complex relationships between them, so that one can avoids locks 
almost always, which is both more efficient and less error prone.


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