D marketplace

Justin Johansson replace-with-username-as-below at adam.com.au
Wed Oct 14 12:24:11 PDT 2009

Walter Bright Wrote:

> I'm considering setting up another D newsgroup called D.marketplace. In 
> it, you can essentially post advertisements for your D products, hang 
> out a shingle offering your D consulting services, post want ads for D 
> programmers, anything business oriented that's related to D.
> Is this something needed?

Good idea Walter.

I'd be particularly interested to know the availability of

1. D professionals ::= people that ask the going market rate for programming services,
as this is their core business), or

2. D professional hobbyists ::= people that are willing to do D programming tasks for low $
as this is their hobby business. i.e. feel that it's nice to earn some reward for D programming
but will do stuff for the experience, challenge and sheer joy of it.  Lawyers call this
pro-bono don't they? :-)

-- Justin Johansson

email: procode at domain-as-per-ng-post

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