T[new] misgivings

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Oct 16 07:03:35 PDT 2009

Walter Bright wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> There are two sensible options:
> I see the question as, is T[new] a value type or a reference type? I see 
> it as a reference type, and so assignment should act like a reference 
> assignment, not a value assignment.

I understand that, but to me that's an example of the good intentions 
that pave the way to hell. All of a sudden we have the best syntax there 
is either being surreptitiously inefficient, or not work at all.

Why not see arrays as what they really are? They are a struct with a 
pointer inside it. The struct has opAssign. Period. Why "see" the arrays 
in a way that's ungainful?


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