dsimcha at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 17 07:19:20 PDT 2009
== Quote from Lutger (lutger.blijdestijn at gmail.com)'s article
> Currently:
> LDC is a mature compiler that does linux 64 bit well, but is not available
> for D2, the 'alpha' branch of the language and also doesn't work on windows.
> The outdated compiler you speak of would probably be GDC, this project has
> recently been revived. The is no 64-bit dmd yet.
> At the moment all efforts I believe are on finishing the D2 language and
> current dmd bugs, as well as a book called 'The D programming language'.
> IIRC the deadline is somewhere end of this year.
> What happens after that I don't know, I haven't seen any statement that work
> on 64-bit is planned. I would rather bet on GDC and / or LDC getting full
> 64-but support for D2 before dmd.
Where has GDC been revived? It doesn't look like there have been any checkins on
the sourceforge site since Feb.
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