Access violation after inheriting.

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Mon Oct 19 05:08:55 PDT 2009

Zarathustra wrote:
> Could somebody explain memory rules in class inheriting?
> The following code illustrates my problem, look at 'main' function:

Posts like this belong on d.learn.

> //____________________________________________
> module window;
> private import base;
> private import structs;
> private static import user32;
> private static import kernel32;
> private static import gdi32;

imports are private by default.

> private:
> extern (Windows) dword wndProc(ptr o_hwnd, dword o_msg, dword o_wparam, dword o_lparam){
>   alias user32.EWindowMessage WM;
>   auto l_wnd = cast(Window*)user32.getWindowLong(o_hwnd, 0x00);
>   if(o_msg == WM.NCCREATE){
>     user32.setWindowLong(o_hwnd, 0x00, *(cast(dword*)o_lparam));
>   }
>   else if(l_wnd is null){
>     return 0x00;
>   }
>   return (cast(Window*)user32.getWindowLong(o_hwnd, 0x00)).wndProc(o_hwnd, o_msg, o_wparam, o_lparam);
> }

You shouldn't be using Window*: see below.

> public:
> class Window{
>   private const ptr handle;
>   void onMouseDown (MouseEventArgs o_mea){
>   }
>   this(){
>     WINWndClassEx wndClass;
>     wndClass.size          = 0x00000030;
>         = 0x00000003;
>     wndClass.wndProc       = cast(ptr)&.wndProc;

What is ptr?  If it's void*, you don't need to do this.

Incidentally, there's already a set of bindings for the Win32 api.  Not
sure where the current version is; somewhere on

>     wndClass.clsExtraBytes = 0x00000000;
>     wndClass.wndExtraBytes = 0x00000004;
>     wndClass.hInstance     = kernel32.getModuleHandle(null);
>     wndClass.hIcon         = user32.loadIcon(null, 0x00007F00);
>     wndClass.hCursor       = user32.loadCursor(null, 0x00007F00);
>     wndClass.hbrBackground = gdi32.getStockObject(0x00000000);
>     wndClass.menuName      = null;
>     wndClass.className     = cast(wstr)"clsname";

Easier to type "clsname"w than cast(wstr)"clsname"

>     wndClass.hIconSm       = user32.loadIcon(null, 0x00007F00);
>     ...
>     handle = user32.createWindowEx(
>       0,
>       wndClass.className,
>       cast(wstr)"<applicationcaption>",
>       0x00CF0000,
>       0x00000000,
>       0x00000000,
>       0x00000280,
>       0x000001E0,
>       null,
>       null,
>       kernel32.getModuleHandle(null),
>       cast(ptr)&this
>     );

this is a reference to the object.  &this is the address at which the
reference is being stored, which is probably *on the stack*.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is why it's segfaulting.

>     if(handle is null){
>       user32.messageBox(null, user32.translateErrorCode(kernel32.getLastError()), cast(wstr)"error", 0x00000000);
>       assert(false, "window creating failed");
>     }
>   }
>   ...
> class MyWindow : Window{
>   this(){
>     super();
>   }
>   override void onMouseDown(MouseEventArgs o_mea){
>     MsgBox(cast(char[])"Hello");

Unless MsgBox is defined very strangely, the cast(char[]) here should be

>   }
> }
> ...

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