Revamping associative arrays

KennyTM~ kennytm at
Mon Oct 19 13:58:45 PDT 2009

On Oct 20, 09 03:40, Piotrek wrote:
> Bill Baxter pisze:
>>>> Just get rid of the the one-argument foreach over AAs altogether and
>>>> force
>>>> the user to be
>>>> explicit about it.
>>> I wouldn't do so. Would anybody do an error by thinking that foreach
>>> (elem,table) should iterate over keys?
>> Bearophile. And anyone coming from python, at the least. And anyone
>> who agrees with the logic of connecting 'in' with what gets iterated.
> And only python that I am aware of. Java,C#,PHP (which hold most of all
> programmers) are defaulting to values unless explicitly stated.

and Javascript. and Objective-C.

>>> Maybe I'm not thinking correctly but for me an assoc array is just an
>>> array
>>> with additional key (index) features thanks to which I save space and/or
>>> have more indexing method than only integers.
>> It can also be thought of as a set with some ancillary data associated
>> with each element. In that case the keys are the set elements, and
>> the values are just some extra stuff hanging off the elements.
>> --bb
> Sorry in advance, I couldn't resist.
>  From Wikipedia:
> "From the perspective of a computer programmer, an associative array can
> be viewed as a generalization of an array. While a regular array maps an
> index to an arbitrary data type such as integers, other primitive types,
> or even objects, an associative array's keys can be arbitrarily typed.
> The values of an associative array do not need to be the same type,
> although this is dependent on the programming language"
> So it almost the same what I have said. I hadn't seen wiki entry before
> nor didn't changed the article's test ;) So now you can see that for
> most people (except Python guys and maybe a some more) it should behave
> like normal array. It's just intuitive.
> What you are talking about it's a side effect of AAs (or rather
> derivative feature) and then we use the keys property or the key,value
> pair.
> Cheers
> Piotrek

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