static arrays becoming value types
foo at
Wed Oct 21 09:54:22 PDT 2009
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:48:34 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:
> language_fan wrote:
>> Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:07:29 -0400, Robert Jacques thusly wrote:
>>> My issue was that all your example _showed_ was nominal typing. Though
>>> I didn't mention it by name, I did mention that if SOL tuples had
>>> structural typing, it might would be a different story. (Well,
>>> until/if opImplicitCast was implemented, as it would allow for
>>> structural typing.)
>> Why do you insist on using nominal typing for tuples and the library
>> defined "literal". If I want plain old tuples without any kind of type
>> name, why should I care about extra hand waving needed to make it work.
> I'm late in this dialog, but I'm not seeing an impediment here. What
> does it matter to you that tuples actually have a name vs. not having a
> name at all?
Using tuples in D is a major pain in the ass. In fact it has been made so
hard that people start avoiding the feature like plague. I wrote some
test code to reveal how inconsistent their semantics are. Note that you
need the built-in tuples for some stuff, like assigning and mixed value/
type tuples. Stuples can only be used as values and when the auto-
flattening is not desired.
template Tuple(T...) { alias T Tuple; }
struct STuple(T...) {
T t;
void main() {
Tuple!(int,int) a; // typeof(this) *is* the official tuple type
STuple!(int,int) b; // this is actually a struct
a = Tuple!(1,1); // ok
// Tuple!(int,int) a2 = Tuple!(1,1); // WTF? Error: cannot implicitly
convert expression (tuple(1,1)) of type (int, int) to int
auto a3 = Tuple!(1,1); // ok
b = STuple!(int,int)(1,1); // no easier way? make_tuple!(1,1) ?
STuple!(int,int) b2 = STuple!(int,int)(1,1); // ok, but very verbose
auto e1 = a[0]; // ok
//auto e2 = b[0]; // nope
auto e3 = b.t[0]; // this is how it works - you could possibly define
opIndex but how would it work with different types then
writefln("%s", a); // we get.. 1 !? but..
writefln("%s", typeof(a).stringof); // (int, int)
writefln("%s", b); // STuple!(int,int)(1, 1) - rather verbose, but
//auto retTest() { return STuple!(int,int)(1,1); } // no identifier for
declarator retTest
STuple!(int,int) retTest2() { return STuple!(int,int)(1,1); }; // ok,
but a bit too verbose
int d,e;
Tuple!(d,e) = Tuple!(10,20); // ok
// but how to discard an unnecessary value? e.g. (a, _) = (1, 2)
// Tuple!(d,e) = STuple!(10,20); // nope, not interchangeable
// b = STuple!(a); // same here
a = a; // ok
b = b; // ok
// a = b; // Error: a is not an lvalue -- interesting!
Tuple!(d,b) = Tuple!(1, retTest2()); // awesome, with the Tuple I can
even assign Tuples of STuples!
//Tuple!(d,a) = Tuple!(1, a); // but Tuples don't help when assigning
Tuples of Tuples
//test.d(12): Error: expression _a_field_0 is not a valid template
value argument
//test.d(12): Error: expression _a_field_1 is not a valid template
value argument
//test.d(47): Error: template instance test.Tuple!
(1,_a_field_0,_a_field_1) error instantiating
int[] a1; // ok
int[][] a2; // ok
auto a1b = [1,2,3]; // ok
auto a2b = [[1],[2],[3]]; // ok
//Tuple!(int,int)[] a4; // Error: can't have array of (int, int) --
WHY NOT - it's simple, try e.g. ML
STuple!(int,int)[] a5; // ok
auto a3b = [Tuple!(1,1)]; // works, but hey did you know this is an
array of ints!
auto a4b = [STuple!(int,int)(1,1)]; // ok
// int[Tuple!(int,int)] a6; // Error: can't have associative array key
of (int, int)
int[STuple!(int,int)] a7; // ok
a7[STuple!(int,int)(1,1)] = 5; // ok
Tuple!(int,Tuple!(int,int)) a8; // this isn't a (int, (int,int)) tuple
- it's (int,int,int) !
STuple!(int,STuple!(int,int)) a9; // ok
//auto a10 = [ Tuple!(1,1) : 2 ]; // Error: can't have associative
array key of (int, int) -- Why did this work in array literal then?!
auto a11 = [ STuple!(int,int)(1,1) : 2 ]; // ok
alias Tuple!(int, 5) foo;
// alias STuple!(int, 5) foo2; // parameters can only be types
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