Revamping associative arrays
starpit at
Wed Oct 21 13:08:06 PDT 2009
Pelle Månsson pisze:
> Piotrek wrote:
>> Bill Baxter pisze:
>>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Piotrek <starpit at> wrote:
>>>> Bill Baxter pisze:
>>>>> I think the default should be to iterate over whatever 'in' looks at.
>>>> I was almost convinced, because that rule has a sense. But treating
>>>> normal
>>>> arrays and associative array has more sense to me.
>>>> fun (SomeObject object) {
>>>> foreach (element;object.arr1){ //normal, but how do I know at first
>>>> look
>>>> //just do something with element
>>>> }
>>>> foreach (element;object.arr2){ // assoc, but how do I know at first
>>>> look
>>>> //just do something with element hopefully not index
>>>> }
>>> That sounds like an argument that there should be no default, because
>>> either way it's not clear whether you're iterating over keys or
>>> values.
>> Really?! That wasn't my intention :) In both cases I wish it were
>> values ;)
>> > Just get rid of the the one-argument foreach over AAs altogether
>> and force the user to be
>> > explicit about it.
>> I wouldn't do so. Would anybody do an error by thinking that foreach
>> (elem,table) should iterate over keys?
>> Maybe I'm not thinking correctly but for me an assoc array is just an
>> array with additional key (index) features thanks to which I save
>> space and/or have more indexing method than only integers.
>> e.g.
>> Normal array
>> No. Item
>> 0 George
>> 1 Fred
>> 2 Dany
>> 3 Lil
>> Index/key is infered from position (offset)
>> Now Assoc array:
>> No. Item
>> 10 Lindsey
>> 21 Romeo
>> 1001 C-Jay
>> Or
>> No. Item
>> first Europe
>> second South America
>> third Australia
>> Or
>> Names occurrence frequency:
>> No. Item
>> Andy 21
>> John 23
>> Kate 12
>> And the only difference is the need for using a hash function for
>> value lookup (calculate position) which should not bother a user when
>> he doesn't care.
>> Then when you ask somebody to iterate over the tables, what he will do
>> almost for certain? If it would be me, you know... values all the
>> time. Even for last example most important values are those numbers
>> (despite in this case they're meaningless without keys).
>> Cheers
>> Piotrek
> Put it this way:
> Is there any time you are interested in the values without the keys?
> Is there any time you are interested in the keys without the values?
> If you're not interested in the keys, the real question would be why you
> are using an associative array instead of just an array.
The answer is simple. I can reuse AA in many different functions.
Sometimes I need keys other time values and even... both :) That isn't
the issue. The problem was about what should return short version of
foreach over AA.
> I can think of at least one example of when you want key iteration,
> which would be when using a bool[T] as a set.
See above.
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