The bizarre world of typeof()
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Oct 26 03:41:23 PDT 2009
Don wrote:
> I'm trying to make sense of the rules for 'typeof'. It's difficult
> because DMD's behaviour is so different to the spec. Here's four simple
> cases.
> // This doesn't compile on D1.
> //alias typeof(int*int) Alias1;
> // This compiles in D1, but not in D2.
> alias int Int;
> alias typeof(Int*Int) Alias2;
> // Yet this DOES compile on D2 !
> typeof(T*U) foo(T, U)(T x, U y) { return x*y; }
> alias typeof(foo(Int, Int)) Alias3;
> // And this fails on both D1 and D2, with a dreadful error message.
> //alias typeof(foo(int)) Alias4;
> I can't see anything in the spec to say why ANY of these examples should
> compile. Yet, the existing template constraints features relies on the
> Alias3 case.
Here are a few more:
class Foo { real bar() { return 1.0; } }
Foo foo = new Foo;
// Passes, but should fail.
static assert (is (typeof( == function));
// Passes, as expected.
static assert (is (typeof(& == delegate));
// Passes, but should fail. This is similar to Don's examples.
static assert (is (typeof( == function));
// This one fails with the following hilarious message:
// Error: static assert (is(real function() == function)) is false
static assert (is (typeof(& == function));
I have no idea why typeof(& even works, but it does. &Foo is
completely meaningless.
> I can see two ways forward:
> (1) enforce the existing spec. Make all uses of types as expressions
> into a bug. This will break a lot of existing code, including several in
> the DMD test suite!
> You'd generally need to include a .init whenever using a type inside a
> typeof(). This would make some code a lot uglier.
> I'm also not sure what happens with alias parameters. (If A is an alias
> to a type, then typeof(A*A) should be changed to typeof(A.init*A.init);
> but if it's an alias to a variable, it should remain as typeof(A*A)).
> (2) Define that, inside a typeof() expression, any type T is translated
> into T.init. The syntax for typeof() would need to be changed, in order
> to allow the case 'alias1'.
> Note, however, that in both cases there's no such thing as .init for
> tuples; it might need to be added.
> Behaviour (2) is probably more convenient, behaviour (1) is easier to
> justify. But I think the existing behaviour of typeof() doesn't make
> much sense.
I vote for (1). There should be as few "special cases" in the language
as possible.
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