Private enum members + Descent

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Tue Oct 27 07:39:48 PDT 2009

Yigal Chripun wrote:
> Lars T. Kyllingstad Wrote:
>> I was going to protest: "But what about const struct members? Should the 
>> size of the following struct depend on whether the compiler determines 
>> it can optimize by turning its const member into a manifest constant?"
>>    struct Foo { const int bar = 123; }
>> But then I decided to actually try it with the current DMD2, and found 
>> that the compiler does just that!
>>    writeln(Foo.sizeof);    // Prints "1", not "4"
>>    Foo foo;
>>    auto p = &;   // Error: constant 123 is not an lvalue
>> What's going on? Is this intended behaviour?
>> -Lars
> what D version?

DMD 2.035.

> in D1 const is a manifest constant as far as I know. 

Yes, but in D2 the spec says that const is a constant view of mutable 
data. There isn't (or at least I can't find) mention that struct members 
are excepted from this rule.

> to answer to general question, "what about structs": 
> I'd say that the same rules should apply just like inside functions. 
> struct Foo { const int num = 42; } // num should be a manifest const
> can you give a use-case/example where you wouldn't want to do that but rather store the constant in the struct? 

In any case where a different view of the same data is non-const. Or 
would you also disallow casting away const-ness?


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