The Thermopylae excerpt of TDPL available online

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Thu Oct 29 01:39:10 PDT 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> It's a rough rough draft, but one for the full chapter on arrays, 
> associative arrays, and strings.
> Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
> Andrei

It's a very pleasant read, and it looks good. I guess I'll have to buy 
the book. :) I just have two comments:

Code snippet in 4.2.1: Why do you suddenly use postfix array declaration 

Code snippet just before 4.4.3: ("yowza" !in aa) doesn't work, at least 
not with DMD 2.035. It has to be !("yowza" in aa). Very annoying.

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