The Thermopylae excerpt of TDPL available online

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sat Oct 31 20:20:26 PDT 2009

duser4ever wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
>> It's a rough rough draft, but one for the full chapter on arrays, 
>> associative arrays, and strings.
>> Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
>> Andrei
> Sure I haven't come across anything that someone else hasn't already pointed out, but here it is any:
> P133 "Table 9.1 on page 301 summarizes dynamic array operations"
>      should read
>      "Table 3.4 on page 134 summarizes dynamic array operations"

Thanks, I'd forgotten to clean the intermediate files before building 
the entire book.

> P118 something sounds wrong here also:
>      "However, if a function returns T[n], that not automatically
>      converted to T[]--it must be T[n]."
>      maybe "it is not automatically" vice "that not automatically"?
> P117 this sentence does not sound natural to me;
>      "This means that copying arrays, passing arrays into functions, 
>      and returning arrays from functions -- these all
>      copy entire arrays."
> P111 change "in it" on line 8 to read "into it" 
> P111 change "bailout" on line 21 to read "bail out" 
> P110 change "responsible in making" to "responsible for making"
>      Not clear what you are saying here:
>      "The compiler is free to assume that when optimizing the operations into primitive vector operations offered by the host processor."
>      What is it assuming? That I'm responsible? That the arrays do not overlap?
> P109
>      auto a = [1.0, 2.5, 3.6];
>      auto b = [4.5, 5.5, 1.4];
>      auto c = new double[3]; // changing to "auto c = (new double[3])[] = 0.0;" or adding the line "c[] = 0.0;" should do the trick
>      c[] += 4 * a[] + b[];
>      will not work. Since c is of type double[3] it's initial value is set to [nan, nan, nan];
>      As a result any transaction performed on this array will result in the same if it is not first initialized.
> P102 eenlists should read enlists
> P101 change "comes just handy" to "comes in handy"

Thanks! Quite a few of these are new. I've added this to my worklist, 
and as I see you give no email and no name, please email me privately 
your name so I can add it to acknowledgments. (I'll do so for everyone 
who sent me feedback.)


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