Compiled dmd2.032 in VC++ 2009!
Jeremie Pelletier
jeremiep at
Sat Sep 5 11:17:14 PDT 2009
Jeremie Pelletier Wrote:
> Walter Bright Wrote:
> > Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
> > > Well I've decided to get a look at the dmd2 source and see what I can
> > > contribute to it, only to notice it is very VC++ unfriendly. After a
> > > few hours of work, I finally got it to compile, and it works great,
> > > for the most part.
> >
> > Can you send me the diffs?
> >
> Sure, as soon as I figure out why my dmd produces different object code than yours. I ran a simple hello world executable and the "hello world" string is not properly aligned in the resulting executable, causing garbage to be appended by printf. The bug is somewhere between the parsing, which works fine, and the object generation (the call to obj_bytes() has the proper data pointer, but incorrect nbytes count).
Finally found the bug, which was within a change I made in obj_bytes() to get it to compile under VC++, but didn't take in account the goto statement :x At least this little debugging session got me familiar with how dmd and dmc works.
Anywho, the patch file is about 1000 lines long, where should I mail it?
I also made a simple D script to rename all c files to cpp:
module conv;
import core.stdc.stdlib, core.stdc.stdio, std.file;
int main(string[] args) {
if(args.length != 2) goto Error;
bool isDir = void;
try isDir = isdir(args[1]);
catch(FileException) {}
if(!isDir) goto Error;
char[256] newpath = void;
bool delegate(DirEntry*) dg = void;
bool rename(DirEntry* de) {
if([$-2 .. $] == ".c") {
newpath[0 ..] =[];
newpath[ .. + 2] = "pp";
.rename(, newpath[0 .. + 2]);
else if(de.isdir() &&[$-2 .. $] != "tk") listdir(, dg);
return true;
dg = &rename;
listdir(args[1], dg);
return 0;
printf("Usage: %.*s <path>", args[0]);
return 1;
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