Special Token __FUNCTION__

Byron Heads wyverex.cypher at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 09:41:46 PDT 2009

I've looked through the lex documents but there seems to be no special token
to get the current calling function.

In c you can use the __func__ token to get the current function.

I thinking adding __FUNCTION__ would be useful for things like logging.

Also is there a nice way to replace logging macros?  I often have a logger
that looks like
logmsg( int level, uint line, char* func, char* file, char[] msg, ... );

then I would write some macros like:
#define LOGDEBUG( m, ... )  logmsg( LVL_DEBUG, __LINE__, __func__, __FILE__, msg, __VA_ARGS__ )

thus i would only have to do 
LOGDEBUG( "SOME STRING with formatting", formatting args.. )


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