Writing a language parser in D

Justin Johansson procode at adam-dott-com.au
Mon Sep 14 18:29:19 PDT 2009

Hi Nick,
Thanks.  The grammar is already spec'ed for LL ans so looking for the course of least resistance.
I've used GOLD and spoken with its author, Devin Cook, in the past though.  It's rather cool in a way.
Still it's great to see GOLD coming to a screen in the D village.

> If you can't find anything you like for LL and don't mind switching to LALR 
> instead, I've recently released Goldie ( 
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/goldie ) which works in conjunction with 
> GOLD Parser Builder ( http://www.devincook.com/goldparser/ ). If you're 
> familiar with GOLD, Goldie is a GOLD Engine for D. I do plan to add support 
> for LL eventually, but that's kind of a ways off for now.

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