opEquals and the Non-Virtual Interface idiom

Jeremie Pelletier jeremiep at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 11:18:38 PDT 2009

grauzone wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Here's an article about the perils of equals in Java (opEquals in D):
>> http://www.ddj.com/article/printableArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=GFKUCQH5S4IHNQE1GHOSKHWATMY32JVN?articleID=184405053&dept_url=/java/ 
>> It turns out this is a great example for NVI. In D, we could and should
>> do the following:
>> class Object {
>>     // Implement this
>>     private bool opEqualsImpl(Object rhs) {
>>         return false;
>>     }
>>     // Use this
>>     final bool opEquals(Object rhs) {
>>         if (this is rhs) return true;
>>         if (this is null || rhs is null) return false;
>>         return opEqualsImpl(rhs) && rhs.opEqualsImpl(this);
>>     }
>> }
>> I took advantage of the fact that in a final function this may be null
>> without an access violation. The implementation above ensures symmetry
>> of equality and has each class implement a simpler primitive.
>> What do you think?
> Eh, now after all this discussion, we're going to allow even "this" to 
> be null? That seems like a backstep...

How is it a backstep? It's perfectly valid behavior.

Object foo;

The call itself will *always* succeed, its when 'this' gets referenced 
in opEquals that the code will crash.

> Implementing opEquals as a global/static function, that calls the actual 
> Object.opEquals virtual method would be so much more straight forward.

I agree, I prefer methods to end with Impl to stay hidden instead of 
being the ones to override.

> PS: I agree about the NVI thing. If you'd go to extend the language for 
> "NVI", couldn't we just introduce a second type of virtual function that 
> works this way:
> 1. the super class' implementation is _always_ called first
> 2. the super class function can decide to "call down" to the sub class' 
> implementation of the same method
> => no extra do<something> method needed, and the code is (possibly) 
> clearer.
>> Andrei

I don't know how useful that would be, when you override a method you 
usually want to call the super method somewhere in the new 
implementation, not always at the beginning.

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