OT: Management of Coders (was: Null references redux)
foo at bar.com.invalid
Mon Sep 28 15:11:25 PDT 2009
Mon, 28 Sep 2009 20:34:44 +0000, BCS thusly wrote:
> Hello Manfred_Nowak,
>> BCS wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I wouldn't want to hire a programer that *habitually* (and
>>> unnecessarily) hacks past a feature designed to prevent bugs.
>> In the short time of an interview its not possible to test for habits
>> (or necessarity) to hack past a feature designed to provent bugs.
> Good point, I guess that all that is left would be to try and get a feel
> for what they think of that kind of practice (give them something ugly
> that works and ask "what do you think of this code?"). If they indicate
> they think that kind of hacking a bad idea, then at least you can say
> they lied if you have to get rid of them for that kind of things.
At least in the companies I have worked in they briefly teach you their
stuff in 1-7 days and want to see some preliminary results. If you have
trouble writing any code, you have lost the job (there is a 6 month test
period or something similar so it is perfectly legal to kick him out if
he fails). Usually the schedules are tight so hiring a lazy bastard is
not worth the effort. Other ways to control the learning are working with
a more experienced pair (pair programming - ever heard of it?) and weekly
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