Null references redux + Cyclone
spam at here.lot
Wed Sep 30 04:24:07 PDT 2009
bearophile Wrote:
> If even Andrei, a quite intelligent person that has written big books on C++, may be wrong on such a basic thing, then I think there's a problem.
> It can be good to create an html page that explains how some basic things of D are implemented in the front-end. Such page can also contain box & arrow images that show how structures and memory are organized for various of such data structures.
> Such html page is useful for both normal programmers that want to understand what's under the hood, and for people that may want to fix/modify the front-end.
An averagely porfficient programmer should understand what a "pointer fixup" means, and fixups are discussed somewhere in the docs, if I recall it correctly. D fixes pointers up just in order to fasten interface calls. This also prevents generics from being implemented in D.
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