Feature suggestion: in-place append to array

Mike S mikes at notarealaddresslololololol.com
Thu Apr 1 07:36:21 PDT 2010

bearophile wrote:
>> How difficult do you think that would be for the compiler devs to implement in the semantic sense?  Assuming it can be done without major hardship or compromising the design of the language, that would be really cool.<
> They are easy to implement. Even the lazy ones. See ShedSkin "compiler".

I figured the eager ones wouldn't be a problem, but I wondered whether 
the lazy ones might be a pain.  Guess not, so cool. :)

> We can talk about them again for D3. At the moment D2 needs less new features and better implementation/debugging of the already present features.

That's very true...I'm looking forward to Andrei's book, but I can't 
imagine how he's finishing it on schedule, considering how quickly both 
the language itself and the compiler are evolving.  If the language 
specification and reference compiler are both as incomplete, volatile, 
and partially implemented as they are now, a June release might do some 
real damage to D's reputation.

As far as D3 goes though:  Obviously nothing about it has really been 
discussed at length, but is the general idea that it would be another 
backwards-incompatible overhaul, or is the plan to make D2 the target 
for backwards compatibility from here on out?

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