The D programming language newsgroup should lift its game

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sat Apr 3 12:09:42 PDT 2010

"Walter Bright" <newshound1 at> wrote in message 
news:hp81er$nk4$1 at
> and in a painfully small font, too. If you've got a small screen, like on 
> say a portable, it's hopeless.

It's the exact same size I use in my NG reader and it's perfectly readable 
to me. Maybe your resolution is too high. If it's changed, other people may 
find it too big, so it's hard to say that it's the page's fault. As far as 
portables, I can't imagine any portable that would use a high enough screen 
resolution for that font size to look too small. Plus, any half-way decent 
browser these days should have an easy zoom function. For me, in FF2 all I 
need to do is Ctrl-ScrollWheel.

About the lack of tree view, that's really a VIM vs Emacs, tabs vs spaces 
kind of an issue. And as far as the other points, like you said, it's all 
customizable anyway. I've used many forums that have all the junk turned 
off. Plus I use AdBlock Plus ( ) and NoScript, so 
I don't see any ads on that page (If I didn't use those, I would find the 
vast majority of the web literally unusable).

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