Patches, bottlenecks, OpenSource

Eric Poggel dnewsgroup at
Sat Apr 10 07:49:12 PDT 2010

On 4/10/2010 8:40 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
> I'd like to see more effort put into ldc to get it working with D2, I
> guess that unless the ldc developers find time for it, or other people
> do it won't happen for a good while yet unfortunately. I did try a while
> back, but realised what a huge task it was, and how little time I had
> available for it :/ Maybe someone else will be able to pick up where I
> left off :)

Speaking of ldc, does anyone know how Windows support is coming?  Last I 
heard llvm was lacking support for exception handling on Windows, which 
sort of stalled things.

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