Benchmarking in D
Chris Mueller
ruunhb at
Sun Apr 11 15:05:42 PDT 2010
> There's the benchmark() function in Phobos:
> Don't know if that's what you're really looking for, though.
> void bench(R)(string label, R delegate() dg, uint times = 1 ) {
> scope pc = new PerformanceCounter;
> real time = uint.max;
> foreach(i;0..times) {
> pc.start;
> dg();
> pc.stop;
> time = min(time,pc.microseconds/1000.0);
> Thread.yield;
> }
> writeln(label,time,"ms");
> }
yep, that's what i'm missing. I give a try some of your benchmark
suggestions for time measurements.
> On what OS? On linux, you can do:
> time foo
> to get the run time for program foo, including elapsed clock time,
> time spent in the program itself and time spent in the kernel on
> behalf of the program (for I/O, mallocs, etc);
> cat /proc/$(pidof foo)/status
> to get memory information for a running program. I don't know any
> way to get the memory information once the program exits.
I'm currently using XP, is there any similar way to measure memory
consumption? Otherwise i install a quick unix development environment
on a separate partition.
Thanks for your replies.
ruunhb at
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