D2 and FreeBSD

Marco Righele marco_righele at yahoo.it
Wed Aug 4 03:30:06 PDT 2010

On 08/04/10 07:47, Shin Fujishiro wrote:
> Marco Righele <marco_righele at yahoo.it> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Are there any plans for a FreeBSD release of the D2 DMD compiler ?
> I'm using DMD v2 on my FreeBSD box with these patches:
> - FreeBSD patches for druntime.
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3528
> - [FreeBSD] real constants are rounded to double precision
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4191
> - [FreeBSD] imprecision in decimal floating-point literals
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4198

Thanks, I didn't realize that the zip comes with the full source :D.
The patches apply cleanly, but I found number of issues though.

(The DMD version I used is 2.047, the one downloadable from the site,
while my box is running FreeBSD 8.1/x86)

When compiling dmd, the linker complains about missing C++ symbols.
Changing the linker from gcc to g++ in freebsd.mak seemed to solve
the problem.

When compiling druntime, a static assertion triggers during linking:

src/rt/llmath.d(286): Error: static assert  (0x1p+63L == 0x1p+52L) is false
gmake: *** [lib/libdruntime.a] Error 1

Finally I was unable to compile phobos, as I encountered errors in
different modules, including references to freebsd related files that
aren't in the zip I downloaded.
Am I supposed to use a different version of the compiler/libraries ?
If so, is it publicly available ?

> Please vote up! ;-)

Will do ! :)

> Shin


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