DMD1 binaries a lot bigger than DMD2 due to weird zero blocks?

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at
Thu Aug 5 03:06:29 PDT 2010

On Thu, 05 Aug 2010 10:06:55 +0300, Don <nospam at> wrote:

> It _might_ be caused by bug 1914, which was fixed in D2, but the patch  
> was not applied to D1. An n-element array literal gets stored n times in  
> the exe...

Applying your patch against DMD 1.062's source code does not resolve the  
issue. The generated binaries remain identical before and after the patch.  
(Are you sure that's the right bug? 1914 seems to only affect arrays  
inside structs, no?)

Best regards,
  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir at

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