[OT] Is the D(n) PL discovery or invention?

Justin Johansson no at spam.com
Thu Aug 5 04:26:29 PDT 2010

This question is a play on the eternal question
"is mathematics discovery or invention?"

There are many web references to the latter topic
and web search is easy, take this one for example:

"IS mathematics a discovery or invention"
Friday, 16. November 2007, 07:19:16

and your own web searches will uncover a myriad of ideas and opinions
on this very subject.

My discussion starter is now about programming languages (PLs)
and their relation to discovery or invention.

Since PLs are somewhat related to maths, does it bare fruit
to ask the same question of PLs themselves?

Obvious questions that might be asked include:

What is the definition of discovery versus invention?

Is there a gray-scale (or a continuum) between discovery and invention?

In the context of the D PL, where does D(version n) lie in the continuum
between discovery and invention.

I have my own ideas on this subject and will admit that my
leaning is towards discovery.

What's your opinion?

Justin Johansson

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