Andrei's Google Talk

BCS none at
Sat Aug 7 10:03:52 PDT 2010

Hello Walter,

> Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> Unfortunately, in order to be able to use D where I work, I'd have to
>> be able to link the D code with C/C++ code which has been built with
>> Visual Studio and its compiler and linker. And, if I understand
>> correctly, that means that the D code has to be linked with
>> Microsoft's linker. If that's a misunderstanding on my part, then
>> linking D with Microsoft's linker would be unnecessary, and dmc
>> should do the job just fine (though only needing the one C/C++ linker
>> over two would still be an improvement). But as I understand it, any
>> C or C++ code which is going to be used with D code in Windows has to
>> have been built with dmc.
> This actually used to be possible with dmc, but Microsoft has
> repeatedly changed formats (some of them are secret, too) and I gave
> up endlessly chasing those changes.

Would you be open to allowing semi official builds of DMD? That would be 
have builds of DMD that use the official DMD code base except for an object 
file generator mainland by someone else. It seems that would be a clean separation 
point that shouldn't break to often and you already have, what, 4 different 
versions now?

A good build system should make this an almost no effort proposition on your 
part: you develop as normal and whenever you do a release, the other versions 
would get built, tested and if they pass, posted to the site, if not, the 
owners (not you) get contacted.

... <IXOYE><

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