TDPL Errata: Page 208

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Aug 9 13:29:06 PDT 2010

The last example:

override bool opEquals(Object rhs)
    // the other must be at least a Widget
    auto that = cast(Widget) rhs;
    if (!that)
        return false;
    // do they compare equals as Widgets? if not, we're done
    if (!super.opEquals(that))
        return false;
    // is it a TextWidget?
    auto that2 = cast(TextWidget) rhs;
    // if not, we're done comparing with success
    if (!that2)
        return true;
    // compare as TextWidgets
    return text == that.text;

Last return should be:

return text == that2.text;

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