Infinite loop in compiler with forward reference

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisprog at
Fri Aug 13 20:10:14 PDT 2010

On Friday 13 August 2010 20:01:40 Era Scarecrow wrote:
> == Quote from Andrej Mitrovic (andrej.mitrovich at's article
> > --000e0cd5ccdc83f72e048dbd3172
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > Yup, infinite loop.
> > 
> > On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 1:39 AM, Justin Johansson <no at> wrote:
> > > Compiling the following with latest DMD D2 sends the compiler into an
> > > infinite loop.  The culprit line seems to be the alias definition.
> > > Can someone else please confirm.
> > > Thanks Justin
>  Not with GDC, but that may not be important.

Well, it's a bug. Regardless of how well gdc follows the D2 spec (and from what 
I understand, it's a fair bit behind at this point), both dmd and gdc are going 
to have bugs, and those bugs are going to be different. So, the fact that 
something works or not with dmd doesn't say much about whether it works with gdc 
(or vice versa) unless you're talking about language spec issues. Bugs are 
naturally going to differ between the two.

- Jonathan M davis

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