Andrei's Google Talk

Leandro Lucarella luca at
Sun Aug 15 20:29:54 PDT 2010

Walter Bright, el 15 de agosto a las 19:53 me escribiste:
> BCS wrote:
> >>>One major aspect in my changes is that there should be no hardcoded
> >>>output: everything can be redefined through macros, though sane
> >>>defaults
> >>>should be provided. Example:
> >>This seems excessive.
> >>
> >
> >Unless you are setting up a new output format, you will never see
> >them. In that light, it doesn't seem excessive to me.
> Adding features because one can isn't good enough. One should only
> add features if they fill a real need. I don't see a point to things
> like a macro for a ;.

What about < and &? =)

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)           
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Borrowing money from a friend is like having sex. It just completely changes
the relationship.
	-- George Constanza

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