Andrei's Google Talk

lurker lurk at
Mon Aug 16 13:36:01 PDT 2010

Johannes Pfau Wrote:

> On 16.08.2010 04:53, Walter Bright wrote:
> > BCS wrote:
> >>> This seems excessive.
> >>>
> >> Unless you are setting up a new output format, you will never see
> >> them. In that light, it doesn't seem excessive to me.
> > 
> > Adding features because one can isn't good enough. One should only add
> > features if they fill a real need.

> bla blah blah bla

> -- 
> Johannes Pfau

This is unbelievable douchebaggery. The default ddoc IS good enough for most of us. There is simply no need for more complex tools. I think ddoc hits the sweet spot here by providing semi-professional looking html documents. Like someone said earlier, you can always spent a week worth of time creating a better tool for document generation.

Doxygen STILL doesn't support D. What does this tell? It tells that C++ is crappy for software development. The millions of C++ users haven't been able to write a docgen support for D. It's just not possible. OTOH a qualified compiler veteran such as Walter wrote a better tool in less than a week, blindfolded.

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