Phobos incubator project ?

BCS none at
Mon Aug 16 21:20:22 PDT 2010

Hello BLS,

> On 16/08/2010 01:55, simendsjo wrote:
>> (still bored?...)
> No.  Think you have made some good points.
> Scrabble :
> --Due to the fact that nobody cares about scrabble and scrabble
> contains
> x tiny not up-to-date projects the questions remains.. why not having
> a
> centralized project ?

My question still remains; If it's not what you want, why not turn scrapple 
into what you are looking for? I'd be more than willing to help. (BTW, Unless 
you actively cull part, what you are looking for will end up with a bunch 
of old projects.

p.s. it's not scrabble:

... <IXOYE><

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