Why foreach(c; someString) must yield dchar
spam at here.lot
Thu Aug 19 07:13:25 PDT 2010
Jonathan Davis Wrote:
> bytes and shorts are legitimate values on their own, so it wouldn't
> make sense to give the type to foreach as long.
Having wider integer always has sense.
> byte or short on its own just fine.
Yes, but odds are that it's a bug. You can easily hit an overflow.
> So, it's almost a guarantee that the correct type for iterating over a
> string or wstring is dchar, not char or wchar. String types are just
> weird that way due to how multibyte unicode encodings work.
If you don't like narrow strings, don't use them. Use dstring. You are free to write what you want.
> So, since it makes so little sense to iterate over chars or wchars by default,
> it would make sense to make the default dchar.
It's an iteration over array items. This makes perfect sense.
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