Version bug?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisprog at
Fri Aug 20 18:50:15 PDT 2010

On Friday, August 20, 2010 18:41:45 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> As long as there is no ambiguity, right?
> Some of this stuff is on the next page but I haven't read it yet. I
> like how D handles modules, it  seems much better than C and
> #includes. I only wish DMD could automatically do a build by passing
> dmd main.d , and letting it worry about all the imports, etc. RDMD
> seems it can do it, at least by looking at it's docs.

I'm not sure why that ability has never been added to dmd. Maybe it's because 
you can give a module a different name from its file name, or maybe it has to do 
with complications in searching for all of the possible places that the source 
could be (essentially the same issues you get with searching for libraries). 
There's probably on enhancement request for it, but I haven't looked. It sure 
would be nice though.

- Jonathan M Davis

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