Why C++ compiles slowly

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Wed Aug 25 14:24:28 PDT 2010

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 16:29:06 -0400, Walter Bright 
> <newshound2 at digitalmars.com> wrote:
>> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> You mean like asking someone who reported low performance of your 
>>> program on the newsgroup to do it for you? :)
>> 1. He had the test case, I didn't.
> He == me :)
> The test case was available as a tarball download at 
> www.dsource.org/projects/dcollections.
> Not that I mind doing the dirty work, if it gets results, but asking 
> someone to compile your product in a different way and then asking them 
> to try and analyze the output of *your* program isn't the best way to 
> get results.  If I told Microsoft that Word was crashing on a document 
> it made, and they responded by sending me the source code for Word and 
> said "You have the test case, so you figure it out" I don't think people 
> would like them very much.  I have had this problem for months, and 
> haven't really pushed it except for snide remarks until recently, when I 
> figured if I didn't do it, nobody would.
> I understand the lack of time, and that was why I did the work, but I 
> didn't really expect to get results.

I hope that you enjoyed doing this, and I hope to make building the compiler an 
easy thing for users to do, if they are so inclined. I also wanted to push the 
issue of using a profiler <g>.

>> 2. People have repeatedly suggested I delegate some of the compiler 
>> work. Why not?
> What I've done hardly qualifies as doing compiler work.  I just helped 
> identify the problem :) I hope you plan on fixing it, I can't.

Yes, I'll fix it.

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