std.concurrency : using delegate in lieu of function

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Fri Aug 27 10:41:10 PDT 2010

On 2010-08-27 12:53:07 -0400, Gabriel Huau <contact at> said:

> void main()
> {
> 	Foo l = new Foo();
> 	void delegate() dg;
> 	dg = &l.test;
> 	auto a = spawn(dg);
> 	a.send("test");
> }
> I have tested and it worked.

But by passing the this pointer of your Foo object to another thread, 
you've broken the rules about sharing memory between threads.

If Foo was a shared or synchronized type, then this could be made to 
work safely (with some adaptation to make the compiler aware of what 
delegates can be safely shared.)

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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