dsimcha at
Tue Aug 31 11:03:52 PDT 2010
== Quote from Lutger (lutger.blijdestijn at's article
> Instead of std.mixins, perhaps it is better to fold the code with std.typecons
> or create new modules as needed (std.pattern?).
I initially thought std.mixins would be a good idea, since it would be a one-stop
shop for all kinds of misc. boilerplate code that doesn't really fit anywhere
else, but the consensus seems to be that this is a bad way to define a module.
I'll reconsider.
> There is also some private
> boilerplate code here and there in phobos that help with ctfe and
> metaprogramming, some people may also find that useful if packaged as a seperate
> utility module.
Yea, that should probably be a todo.
> My suggestion is to include a mixin for unrolling loops.
I thought about this. Simple loop unrolling doesn't seem like a very useful
optimization on modern hardware because branch prediction and pipelining have
gotten so good. It can still be useful if you also change the loop body a little,
for example using multiple accumulators to increase instruction level parallelism,
but this is hard to write generically. I can't think of a way to write such a
mixin such that it would be both generic and useful.
> Also something like
> defineEnum, but for generating bitflags. (I have some code for this).
Can you give an example? I'm not sure what you mean.
> I would
> also like to see a mixin for generating the boilerplate for decorator
> forwarding, which is annoying. This should be not that hard with the existing
> code in std.typecons.
Shouldn't opDispatch basically handle this for you? I think that's one reason why
it was created.
> Furthermore (not mixin related perse) more phobos code could be made to work at
> compile time. I am pleasantly surprised a lot has improved in this respect the
> last few releases, but more can be done (sorting for example is useful and
> possible).
Slowly but surely...
> The dranges project at dsource is awesome, it wouldn't hurt to put
> some of that good stuff in phobos.
Agreed. It's Philippe Sigaud's project and he's been recently added to the roster
of Phobos devs. I assume he intends to integrate at least the more generally
useful parts of dranges eventually.
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