Tidy template instantiation syntax

so so at so.do
Wed Dec 1 05:27:06 PST 2010

> I do not agree with this position. I actually find *p+1 undecidable.  
> Would like the compiler enforcing proper parenthesizing in all such  
> ambiguous cases.

> By the way, there has been a study about operator precedence in C-like  
> languages. It shows very common errors by _experienced_ programmers even  
> in plain expressions (no incolving special cases like pointer  
> ref/deref). This study also shows the proportion of lines of codes  
> involving more that one operator is tiny. An implicit conclusion, for  
> me, is to remove operator precedence. I do not ask for this, indeed, in  
> D, just comment.

By saying that you find "*p + 1" is undecidable, you already said "remove  
operator precedence".
It is quite the opposite and quite clear by the definition.
There are corner cases on operator precedence, this one is not one of them.

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