why a part of D community do not want go to D2 ?

retard re at tard.com.invalid
Thu Dec 2 05:29:31 PST 2010

Thu, 02 Dec 2010 13:21:57 +0000, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

> On 30/11/2010 19:02, Stewart Gordon wrote:
>> On 30/11/2010 14:13, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>> On 30/11/2010 14:08, Stewart Gordon wrote:
>>>> On 29/11/2010 18:30, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>>> Did you mean D2, in "Sick of waiting for D1 to be finished." ?
>>>> I don't know what you mean....
>> <snip>
>>> I meant: did you mean "Sick of waiting for D2 to be finished." instead
>>> of "Sick of waiting for D1 to be finished." ? Otherwise I don't quite
>>> get it, D1 is quite stable (as a language), it's D2 that is getting a
>>> lot of changes.
>> I guess it was really a question of why you meant it rather than what
>> you meant.
>> D1 may be "quite stable", but that's very different from "finished".
>> http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/
>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=677
>> The point is that D1 should have been finished ages ago. Development of
>> D2 has detracted from this, and so people are fighting against this by
>> not supporting the D2 project.
>> Stewart.
> Given what you meant by finished (consistently defined language, etc.),
> then yeah, D1 isn't really finished. But what do you mean "D1 should
> have been finished ages ago"? As far as I know, Walter never expressed
> the intention of making D1 "finished", that is, to flesh out and
> formalize the language spec. Rather, the creation of D2 was to make D1
> "stable" (to not introduce backwards incompatible changes to the
> language, and to reduce bugs in the D1 compiler).
> If you mean "should" as in, that should have been the intention, well,
> that's arguable. If one wanted at that point for D to stop evolving (in
> a non backwards-compatible way), then yes, you'd want the main focus of
> attention to be D1, and in finishing it. But that wasn't the desire with
> many (probably most) in the community, including Walter himself, so D2
> became the main focus of development. And with this decision, fleshing
> out the D1 spec was never going to be important (as in, important enough
> to dedicate time to it in a significant way).

Even if Walter refused to work on D1 anymore, some believe that the 
language should be finished in any case. This means that the community 
continues the work (writing specs, developing build tools etc.) Why is 
this surprising? This has happened with almost all languages. It's open 
source, you're free to work on it. That's the price you pay. You can't 
force people to work on D2 instead.

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