Research breakthrough from the Haskell team

Peter Alexander at
Sat Dec 4 04:30:25 PST 2010

On 3/12/10 1:42 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> We certainly could learn from it:
> Andrei

Seems to have touched a nerve with Bartosz!


Bartosz Milewski said...
Whatever bit you, Stevey? Why rant against Haskell? Have you been 
recently bullied by Haskellites? I thought they were pretty harmless.

BTW, since when are you running on a populist platform? I mean, you'll 
get a lot of votes from yahoos who don't give a shit about anything that 
happens outside of their villages. You're giving them an excuse to 
dismiss and ridicule anything they don't understand, not only monads or 
category theory. I can see them marching behind you with pitchforks and 
torches ready to ban exceptions, templates, STL, and all this highbrow 
stuff. It would be funny if it weren't already happening even at the top 
software companies (how modern are the Google coding standards?).


I think Bartosz makes a good point about Steve's post giving people a 
reason to dismiss things they don't understand. On the other hand, Steve 
does highlight the fact that those ultra-abstract features are just 
meaningless to the vast majority of programmers.

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