Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Wed Dec 15 11:04:12 PST 2010
"Andrew Wiley" <debio264 at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.1030.1292438460.21107.digitalmars-d at puremagic.com...
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Nick Sabalausky <a at a.a> wrote:
>> A game that was designed to run on a 90-133MHz 16-24MB RAM machine (in
>> *software* rendering mode), and was frequently able to get framerates in
>> the
>> hundreds on sub-500MHz machines (using hardware rendering - with the old,
>> old, old 3dfx cards), manages to get *only* 30FPS in JS on a multi-GHz
>> multi-core machine using what is clearly hardware rendering (on a modern
>> graphics card), and I'm supposed to think that means JS is fast? If
>> anything, that's *proof* of how horrid JS is - it turns a multi-GHz
>> multi-core into a Pentium ~100MHz. What a joke!
> The point was that while Javascript is slow, it's getting fast enough to
> be
> useful. Yes, it's not C. It will never be. But the fact that any sort of
> realtime calculations are possible in it is a breakthrough that will be
> reflected in actual application code.
> Javascript was not designed to be fast, and honestly, it doesn't need to
> be
> fast to fill it's niche.
>> > [HTML5, HTML5, HTML5, Chrome, HTML5, HTML5...]
>> Yea, *eventually* HTML5 will *improve* a few things...That hardly counts
>> as
>> "The web's not a shitty platform!".
> Well, there was a list of reasons why it was a shitty platform, and I
> showed
> that it's not as shitty as it seems. Honestly, I agree that it's a shitty
> platform in general, but it's also not nearly as bad as many people think
> it
> is, and a lot of effort is going into reducing its relative shittiness.
Fair enough. But I still think it would be far better for people to put
their efforts into developing/pushing an alternate that's actually decent on
a fundamental level than to blow all that effort on polishing a turd.
> These aren't things coming
> *eventually* to each browser, they're things that browser developers are
> adding *now*.
Are they in 99.9% of the browsers *actually being used now*? No, they're
not. Deployment to user machines doesn't happen instantaneously, nor should
it. You can talk about auto-update, but IMO anything that *forces*
auto-updates is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. (Optional auto-update is fine, of
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