Infinite loop using phobos sort

Craig Black craigblack2 at
Wed Dec 15 16:11:40 PST 2010

When I try to use Phobos to sort my custom Array, it goes into an infinite 
loop.  I suspect I did something wrong with my Range struct.  Does anyone 
see an obvious flaw here?


import std.stdio;
import std.random;
import std.conv;
import std.algorithm;
import std.c.stdlib;

struct Array(T)

  this(int length) { resize(length); }
  this(T[] a) { append(a); }

    if(!base.array) return;
    ArrayBase!T old;
    old = base;
    base.array = null;
    reserve(old.length(), old.length());
    old.array = null;

  void clear() { base.clear(); }

  void resize(int sz)
    assert(sz >= 0);
    if(sz == 0) return clear();
    if(!base.array) reserve(sz, sz);
    *base.lengthPtr() = sz;

  void reserve(int capacity, int length)
    assert(length <= capacity);
    if(capacity == 0) return clear();
    ArrayBase!T old;
      if(base.capacity() >= capacity) return;
      old.array = base.array;
      base.array = null;
    base.array = cast(ubyte*)malloc(capacity*T.sizeof+8);
    *base.lengthPtr() = length;
    *base.capacityPtr() = capacity;
    for(int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) emplace!T(;
    if(old.array) copyData(old);

  int length() const { return base.length(); }
  int capacity() const { return base.capacity(); }

  bool empty() const { return base.array == null; }

  ref T at(int i)
    assert(!empty(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ 
" out of bounds of empty array");
    assert(i >= 0 && i < length(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ 
to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds 0-" ~ to!string(length()-1));
    return *cast(T*)(base.array+8+i*T.sizeof);

  ref const T at(int i) const
    assert(!empty(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ 
" out of bounds of empty array");
    assert(i >= 0 && i < length(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ 
to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds 0-" ~ to!string(length()-1));
    return *cast(T*)(base.array+8+i*T.sizeof);

  const ref T opIndex(int i) const { return 
*cast(T*)(base.array+8+i*T.sizeof); }

  void opIndexAssign(T t, int i) { at(i) = t; }
  void opIndexAssign(ref T t, int i) { at(i) = t; }

  void opAssign(ref const Array!T array)

  void opAssign(T[] array)
    int len = array.length;
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) at(i) = array[i];

  void copy(ref const Array!T array)
    if(array.empty()) return clear();
    int len = array.length();
    reserve(len, len);
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) at(i) = array[i];

  void opOpAssign(string op, A...)(A a) if(op == "~")

  ref T front() { return at(0); }
  const ref T front() const { return at(0); }
  ref T back() { return at(length()-1); }
  const ref T back() const { return at(length()-1); }

  ref T appendOne()
    int sz = length();
    int sp = capacity();
    if(sp > sz) (*base.lengthPtr())++;
      sp = max(2, sp+sp/2, sz);
      reserve(sp, sz);
    return back();

  void append(A...)(A a)
    static if(a.length == 1 && (is(typeof(a[0]) == Array!T) || 
is(typeof(a[0]) == T[])))
    } else {

  void appendTuple(A...)(A a)
    foreach(x; a) appendOne() = x;

  void appendComposite(A)(A a)
    int prevLen = length();
    int alen = a.length;
    resize(prevLen + alen);
    T *d =;
    T *e = &a[0];
    for(int i = 0; i < alen; i++) d[i+prevLen] = e[i];

  static struct Range
  this(ref Array!T array)
    if(array.empty()) return;
   start = &array.front();
   end = &array.back();
  this(T *_start, T *_end)
   start = _start;
   end = _end;
  T* start, end;
  bool empty() const { return end < start; }
  void popFront() { start++; }
  void popBack() { end--; }
  ref T front() { return *start; }
  ref T back() { return *end; }
  @property size_t length() { return end-start+1; }
  ref T opIndex(int i) { return start[i]; }
   Range opSlice(int a, int b) { return Range(start+a, start+b); }
  Range save() { return this; }

  Range opSlice() { return Range(this); }
  Range opSlice(int a, int b) { return Range(,; }

  void sort(alias L = less!T)()
  quickSort!(T*, L)(, 0, length()-1);


  static struct ArrayBase(T)

    ~this() { clear(); }
    void clear()
      if(!array) return;
      int cap = capacity();
      T *d = data();
      for(int i = 0; i < cap; i++) .clear(d[i]);

    int length() const { return array ? *lengthPtr() : 0; }
    int capacity() const { return array ? *capacityPtr() : 0; }
    int* lengthPtr() const { return cast(int*)(array); }
    int* capacityPtr() const { return cast(int*)(array+4); }
    T* data() const { return cast(T*)(array+8); }

    ubyte* array;

  ArrayBase!T base;

  void copyData(ref ArrayBase!T array)
    int copyLen = min(length, array.length());
    T *a =;
    T *b =;
    for(int i = 0; i < copyLen; i++) { a[i] = b[i]; }

void main()
  Array!double vals = 10;
  foreach(ref i; vals) i = uniform(0.0,1000.0);

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