[OT] Mozilla Thunderbird

Justin Johansson noreply at jj.com
Fri Dec 17 21:27:20 PST 2010

On 18/12/10 15:24, torhu wrote:
> I suppose the real problem is that almost noone cares about newsgroups,

I suspect you are right; newsgroups are probably considered by most 
developers as "legacy media" (not that legacy has to mean bad though) 
and accordingly any development for newsgroup software is not perceived 
as being a sexy application.  Still I will try out some of the other 
offerings that people have suggested here and see what goes.

Thanks again to all for comments.

> Thunderbird is pretty buggy, but I haven't found a good replacement, at
> least not yet. I regularly experience to annoying dataloss bugs. The
> first is when TB messes up posts. This is easily fixed by making it
> rebuild its index files (yes, TB corrupts its own data files on a
> regular basis, with no help at all). The second and worst is when it
> loses track of which posts I've read and which I haven't. There's no way
> that I know of to fix that.
> The real fix to this issue has to be that people stop using newsgroups
> and start using something else instead. Maybe the D mailing list
> newsgroup mirrors are is the solutions, I don't know. Should I bother
> trying, or would I just be replacing one set of problems with another?

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