Game development is worthless? WTF? (Was: Why Ruby?)

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sat Dec 18 12:03:56 PST 2010

"Caligo" <iteronvexor at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.5.1292651710.4588.digitalmars-d at
> IMO there is no honor in game development as it contributes nothing to
> society.  I've rarely played any,

I gotta jump on this as being a giant load of pretentous bullshit. First of 
all, there's the patently obvious "how in the world would you know?" 
considering the "I've rarely played any".

But more importantly, games make life suck less - I can't even imagine any 
more significant contribution to society than that. Even all of the endevors 
generally considered to be the biggest contributions to society are *only* 
significant contributions *because* that's exactly what they do: they make 
life suck less, and are therefore well-regarded.

Seriously, what up with all those presumptuous assholes out there (mostly 
baby boomer dinos and their even more anachronistic parents, interestingly 
enough) who have barely ever touched a videogame and yet figure they 
actually have reason to believe such absurd pretentous crap? Fuck, they all 
remind me of that pompous Roger Ebert douchebag. (Speaking of ways to 
benefit society, when's he finally gonna keel over? Isn't it about time by 
now? And speaking of "contributions to society" what the fuck's he ever 
done? Collect a salary just to spout off opinions? Fucking useless wanker.)

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