Game development is worthless? WTF? (Was: Why Ruby?)

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sun Dec 19 11:48:09 PST 2010

"Max Samukha" <spambox at> wrote in message 
news:iekuac$qrq$1 at
> On 12/18/2010 10:03 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Caligo"<iteronvexor at>  wrote in message
>> news:mailman.5.1292651710.4588.digitalmars-d at
>>> IMO there is no honor in game development as it contributes nothing to
>>> society.  I've rarely played any,
>> I gotta jump on this as being a giant load of pretentous bullshit. First 
>> of
>> all, there's the patently obvious "how in the world would you know?"
>> considering the "I've rarely played any".
>> But more importantly, games make life suck less - I can't even imagine 
>> any
>> more significant contribution to society than that. Even all of the 
>> endevors
>> generally considered to be the biggest contributions to society are 
>> *only*
>> significant contributions *because* that's exactly what they do: they 
>> make
>> life suck less, and are therefore well-regarded.
> I hear you! People please legalize drugs. They make my life suck so much 
> less.

Assuming you meant that as a sarcastic counter-example: There may be ways in 
which they make life suck less, but *overall*, they're generally considered 
to make life suck *more*. So the "make life suck less" rule still holds.

Although, if you meant it seriously then nevermind: The whole 
drug-legalization issue is one of the few debates I actively avoid :)

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