custom AST library

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Tue Dec 21 12:52:43 PST 2010

That's why I think it might be a better idea to simply use "DSL
blocks" throughout your code. Instead of having to mixin each
template, you would only have one template where you have all the
rules for your DSL:

float a = 1 ;
int n = 10 ;
// more D code..

    // Here you use the syntax defined by the "MyDSL" language
    float x = sum!(i=0:10; a*i) ;
    float y = sum!(i=1:n; i*prod!(j=0:i ; i+j);
    // More MyDSL code..

// Here you use D syntax again, and D will know about float x and float y.

Not to mention that you could potentially have some control over
syntax highlighting (if you have a capable editor :p). For example you
could write a little script in VIM which detects the use of "MyDSL!()"
template, and highlights the code inside the block differently than
the one outside the block.

On 12/21/10, Alex_Dovhal <alex_dovhal at> wrote:
> "Andrej Mitrovic" wrote:
>> I'm just having a look at this now, looks rather interesting! I'd love
>> to be able to use some Python-like list comprehension tricks in my D
>> code.
> Yes list comprehension is also possible this way. But it is not very eye
> handy right now even if fully implemented, because one can't use variables
> external to the scope of sum or listcomp... templates, also those
> parenthesis and braces..., so must write:
> float a = 1 ;
> int n = 10 ;
> float x = mixin(sumImpl(q{i=0:10; a*i})) ;
> float y = mixin(sumImpl(q{i=1:n; i*mixin(prodImpl(q{j=0:i ; i+j}))}));
> instead of:
> float a = 1 ;
> int n = 10 ;
> float x = sum!(q{i=0:10; a*i}) ;
> float y = sum!(q{i=1:n; i*prod!(q{j=0:i ; i+j})});
> I made it as my first attempt to use D, that's why maybe it's not solid or
> well designed, so any ideas are welcomed.

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