Is std.demangle usable?

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Wed Dec 22 20:49:55 PST 2010

On 12/23/10, Sean Kelly <sean at> wrote:
> Okay, I'm about to check in this change.  With it, demangle works on the
> string you supplied provided it's prefixed with "_D8" or "D8".  Simply
> having "demangle4mainFAAyaZv4testMFZv" isn't a complete symbol.

Thanks. It works for _D3 as well. But not all of them. I can demangle this:

>> void std.stdio.File.LockingTextWriter.put!(immutable(char)[]).put(immuta

but not this:

That one's from a trace log. I don't know why this name is mangled
like that, though.

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