Why is D slower than LuaJIT?
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Thu Dec 23 07:22:22 PST 2010
On 12/22/10 4:04 PM, Andreas Mayer wrote:
> To see what performance advantage D would give me over using a scripting language, I made a small benchmark. It consists of this code:
>> auto L = iota(0.0, 10000000.0);
>> auto L2 = map!"a / 2"(L);
>> auto L3 = map!"a + 2"(L2);
>> auto V = reduce!"a + b"(L3);
> It runs in 281 ms on my computer.
> The same code in Lua (using LuaJIT) runs in 23 ms.
> That's about 10 times faster. I would have expected D to be faster. Did I do something wrong?
> The first Lua version uses a simplified design. I thought maybe that is unfair to ranges, which are more complicated. You could argue ranges have more features and do more work. To make it fair, I made a second Lua version of the above benchmark that emulates ranges. It is still 29 ms fast.
> The full D version is here: http://pastebin.com/R5AGHyPx
> The Lua version: http://pastebin.com/Sa7rp6uz
> Lua version that emulates ranges: http://pastebin.com/eAKMSWyr
> Could someone help me solving this mystery?
> Or is D, unlike I thought, not suitable for high performance computing? What should I do?
I wrote a new test bench and got 41 ms for the baseline and 220 ms for
the code based on map and iota. (Surprisingly, the extra work didn't
affect the run time, which suggests the loop is dominated by the counter
increment and test.) Then I took out the cache in map and got 136 ms.
Finally, I replaced the use of iota with iota2 and got performance equal
to that of handwritten code. Code below.
I decided to check in the map cache removal. We discussed it a fair
amount among Phobos devs. I have no doubts caching might help in certain
cases, but it does lead to surprising performance loss for simple cases
like the one tested here. See
If the other Phobos folks approve, I'll also specialize iota for
floating point numbers to be a forward range and defer the decision on
defining a "randomAccessIota" for floating point numbers to later. That
would complete the library improvements pointed to by this test, leaving
further optimization to compiler improvements. Thanks Andreas for
starting this.
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
struct Iota2(N, S) if (isFloatingPoint!N && isNumeric!S) {
private N start, end, current;
private S step;
this(N start, N end, S step)
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.step = step;
current = start;
/// Range primitives
@property bool empty() const { return current >= end; }
/// Ditto
@property N front() { return current; }
/// Ditto
alias front moveFront;
/// Ditto
void popFront()
current += step;
@property Iota2 save() { return this; }
auto iota2(B, E, S)(B begin, E end, S step)
if (is(typeof((E.init - B.init) + 1 * S.init)))
return Iota2!(CommonType!(Unqual!B, Unqual!E), S)(begin, end, step);
void main(string args[]) {
double result;
auto limit = 10_000_000.0;
if (args.length > 1) {
auto L = iota2(0.0, limit, 1.0);
auto L2 = map!"a / 2"(L);
auto L3 = map!"a + 2"(L2);
result = reduce!"a + b"(L3);
} else {
result = 0.0;
for (double i = 0; i != limit; ++i) {
result += (i / 2) + 2;
writefln("%f", result);
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