A special treat
Craig Black
cblack at ara.com
Tue Feb 9 09:56:51 PST 2010
"Andrei Alexandrescu" <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote in message
news:hks6qm$26r3$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 10:53:47 -0500, Steve Teale
>> <steve.teale at britseyeview.com> wrote:
>>> When D2 is 'frozen', as a special treat would it be possible for it to
>>> be
>>> able to generate object files that could be converted into shared
>>> libraries, and for Phobos to be a shared library to support same.
>>> I have tried every which way I can think of to create shared libraries
>>> using D. The closest I have come is with the old 1.030 GDC, and even
>>> with
>>> that there are problems. I've tried to describe the current situation in
>>> some detail on the blog section of my <a href="http://
>>> www.britseyeview.com/GDC-newbie.html">GDC-newbie page</a>. It is too
>>> long
>>> to post on the newsgroup.
>>> The inability to do this is a real show-stopper for D on Linux, and
>>> unless things have got better since I last tried, the same can be said
>>> for Windows DLLs.
>>> Please!
>> Many (including myself) have expressed the real requirement for shared
>> libraries. Sometimes the response is "oh who needs shared libraries
>> anyways, there is so much memory in todays computers" and the other
>> response is that "Windows DLLs suck, so we can't do it".
>> I agree it needs to be figured out before D is considered a viable
>> professional language. I don't think it's impossible, but someone just
>> needs to spend the time.
>> Another new problem to pile on to Windows DLLs is the new requirement for
>> default thread local storage. See this bug that is very unlikely to get
>> fixed (by Microsoft):
>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3342
>> So the tradeoff is, either use crappy TLS (using a function to look up
>> global variables) or only support Windows Vista and later. If Windows 7
>> hadn't come out, I'd say requiring Vista is about as bad as not having
>> DLLs :)
>> -Steve
> A lot of Phobos consists of templates, which would be difficult to put in
> a shared library.
> Andrei
Sure but I bet a lot of it doesn't consist of templates. Even with highly
templated code, there is still a lot to be gained from this IMO.
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