Coverity tool
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
Wed Feb 10 19:16:32 PST 2010
On 2010-02-10 17:29:09 -0500, Walter Bright <newshound1 at> said:
> retard wrote:
>> What exactly is the cost here? The non-nullability invariant can be
>> checked on compile time. It incurs no runtime overhead. Also the
>> notation can be quite terse, as we have seen in Other Languages(tm).
> If you want, you can create a template NonNullable that wraps an
> existing type, and try that out.
Just did that yesterday. It's probably not what most people expect
though: it doesn't do static checking. But at least it catches null
assignments early, before the null value breaks something elsewhere in
the program. For your enjoyment:
Struct to make object references and pointers unable to accept a null value.
The initial value is still null, but after the first assignment the value can
never become null again. Attempting to assign null will throw an
IllegalNullAssignment error.
struct NonNullable(T) {
private T _nonNullableValue;
alias _getNonNullableValue this;
this(T value) {
this(NonNullable!T value) {
// FIXME: Not polymorphic
void opAssign(V, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)(V newValue) {
if (isNull(newValue))
IllegalNullAssignment.bailOut(file, line, "Attempt to assign null to "
"non-nullable " ~ T.stringof ~ ".");
_nonNullableValue = newValue;
T _getNonNullableValue() {
assert(_nonNullableValue, "Attempt to access uninitialized
non-nullable " ~ T.stringof ~ ".");
return _nonNullableValue;
private {
bool isNull(T)(T value) if (__traits(compiles, value._nonNullableValue)) {
return isNull(value._nonNullableValue);
bool isNull(T)(T value) if (__traits(compiles, value is null)) {
return value is null;
Error thrown when attempting to assign a null value to a non-nullable.
class IllegalNullAssignment : Error {
this(string message) {
private static void bailOut(string file, int line, in char[] msg) {
throw new IllegalNullAssignment(text(file, '(', line, "): ", msg));
unittest {
NonNullable!Object o;
NonNullable!ClassInfo o2 = o.classinfo;
NonNullable!TypeInfo o3;
//NonNullable!Object o4 = o2; // FIXME: polymorphic NonNullable
o = new Object;
o = o2;
try {
o = o3; // should throw
assert(0, "prior assignment should have thrown");
} catch (IllegalNullAssignment e) {
// ok, error thrown.
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
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